Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gambate Kudasai Tosh!!

Namaewa Tosh Desu (My name is Tosh). This was how Toshiharu Takeda introduced himself when i first reported duty for my first job.

He was a very very hardworking and discipline guy. Normal for a Japanese guy but quite 'extreme' compared to Malaysians. I still remember there was one occasion where we had a blackout in our dept. However, there was still one live plug point which was on backup power. He bought like 5 or 6 extension wires for us to continue our work when all other people including bosses took that opportunity to 'chill' out for awhile. :)

However, i learnt a lot from him during his posting here in Malaysia (he was a representative and our advisor from UFJ Bank Ltd, Japan). He returned to Japan in 2004 quiting from UFJ Bank to manage his family business. Good luck in your business endeavor, gambate kudasai, Tosh!!

I felt very honour when he flew from Japan just to attend my wedding reception here in Malaysia (Actually, i was not expecting him to come when i just emailed to let him know of my wedding).

To my surprise, he came together with his family! Thank you so much Tosh.

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